Happy Saturday guys. Happy Saturday guys from Insightful REI Buy Houses. We are the premier house buyer here in town and this is the first time I am at this house that we just acquired a couple days ago. I got the keys. So I’m going to turn the camera around and you can check out this nice house that we have here.
All right, so can you guys see? This is actually a two car garage. That ramp is going to go. There’s a lot of good features with this house. Kind of in the rural part of the town, north SAC. So here in SAC, north SAC is known for like big lots. This is a very, very spacious house sitting on a big, big lot. This house. It’s got like three bedrooms, two bathrooms. I’m going to show you the bad part about this house, which is the exterior siding. It’s all dry rotted. So we’ll have to change those. Boom. Can you see? Can you guys see all these dry rot? They’ll have to go. So you see the two different sidings here? We’re going to replace all these ones with this kind. It’s cheaper. So more than three quarters of the siding on the side of the house will have to be replaced.
Windows look good. So, that’s okay. Dual pane windows all around so we will save those windows. We do have to replace the trims, the window trims. Let’s walk into the house here. Boom. There’s a lot, a lot of junk piles of junk. This is not like anything that we have not seen. We’ve done this multiple times. My 40 yard container is coming this Monday. So we’ll throw everything out. This is the living room. You got the separated decorative wall here. So we’re check if that beam there is actually a structural beam, so we can knock this “O” out here. You got a nice hallway and I’ll just show you the kitchen here. Very spacious kitchen. We’ll just do an L kitchen.
Brand new kitchen cabinets. That stove, that range is going to go. We’re just going to do a range stove combo. We’re going to bring the wall cabinets up. 30 foot wall cabinets so that soffit will have to go. This is the dining room. I’ll just replace the ceiling fan light with the chandelier. Not sure what this decorative beam serves any function. So we will have to find out if this is a structural beam to determine whether we should keep it or just take it out.
So like I mentioned, this house is got three bedrooms, first bedroom. There’s actually two hot water heaters here. This is the first one. And I guess you can call this a cleaning room as well. This is kind of like a master. I would call it. It’s got a attached bathroom. Behind these closets, is actually the standing shower. So we’re going to enlarge the standing shower here by like one foot. So it’s going to be a standard four foot shower. You got wallpaper in the bathroom, so those will have to go. There’s actually two different kinds of texture in the house, so we’re just going to match just to save some money here. There’s two bedrooms here on this side of the house. Let’s just walk down to the end of the freeway hallway I mean.
This is the third bedroom and it’s got a Jack and Jill. So there’s a door that goes into the bathroom here. It’s a very nice looking bathroom and nice looking tiles here too. And you got a good looking vanity, so we’re going to leave it there. That mirror or the medicine closet will have to go. We’ll just replace it with a flat mirror. You got nice dual pane windows, so we’ll save those. We’re going to replace the sink. We’re going to knock out this separating wall between the cabinet, the toilet and this standalone cabinet right here. So that’s going to go. And then right here is the laundry room. And take out that step where the washer is on. Remove all the wallpapers, remove all the wallpapers, replace the ceiling light with flush mount.
Ceiling fan light, this is going to go. Like I mentioned, behind this door is a bedroom. So you can consider this as a second master if you will. And there’s also a separate door that leads to this bathroom. I guess people coming from the living room will use that bathroom as well as the room down this hallway, which does not have a bathroom. They will come to the other side and use that bathroom as well. So as you walk down this part of the house, you’ll see the second hot water heater. And this is a two car garage.
Two car garage, kind of interesting that you have two car garage with one car garage door, two, one car garage doors. Did you buy this house already or are you scoping it out? So we bought it already. We took possession of the house couple days ago. Didn’t get a chance to come in and check until today. We did a walkthrough with my contractors and we got a punch out list. And this house we’re going to start demolition on Monday.
I don’t know if you have seen the junk that’s left behind, lots of boxes. You got like a desk here, office desk and the bed. Everything that can be left is all here. You got pot and pans, fridge. Let’s check out the fresh. Wow. See left the foot behind too. I can’t believe it. Who wants a new stainless steel microwave? Huh? You got plates too. Do you want those plates, guys? Cups. Condiments. Wow. Nice toaster you can have nice plates, glasses. Spatulas, cooking utensils. So all these will go. All these will go.
It’s probably going to be four days. I got a quote of $2,800 demolition. Obviously that’s just the labor. So this is at least $240 a container. Each container is $650. So I would say just a demolition alone going to be four grand. And that is a lot, a lot of money. There is a lot you can do with four grand. The paint inside and outside. That’s $4,000. So demolition, which is to bring this from negative to ground zero. Yeah, cost 4,000. That’s a lot. Yeah. Demolition includes getting rid of the junk. We’re going to haul in a 40 yard container and remove all the junk and dump it. Each container costs $650. And that includes hauling away the, oh, this cable I want to keep, this is the iPhone cable actually. Is it? No, it’s not. I need an iPhone cable for my iPhone. Is these guys wrong? Android? This is cool. And we can keep this charger. Oh, micro USB. No, this is not worth anything.
Hey, so you know how, I’m only, I’m also making money out of those junks. That’s like diapers. So I bought the zone from a person who is handicapped disabled. So there’s a lot of diapers as you can see, is this an iPhone cable? No, it’s not micro USB again. So we have a lot of valuables in these homes and I don’t understand why that people will leave these things behind. I guess people like Americans, like us keep a lot, pile a lot of things. So when we move, we just leave all these valuables behind, because there’s just so much that we can take. There’s just so much that we can take. So all the things that are valuable, you know the clothes there’s just so much you can take.
Right? These are nice jackets too. You see rain jacket? This is nice. I would for sure donate this to Salvation Army. Nice rain jacket. I can probably run like a garage sale, just have everybody take anything in the house that they want and make some money out of this. Got a old fax machine here as well, lots of books got these phones. Oh my God. Look at this. This is worth something. You want this? It’s a surge protector. There’s so many in this house. I already got six.
Check the pockets for cash. Elaborate, Billy. I don’t know what that is. Is this an app? Is this a website? I’m going to take this surge protector. This is a heavy duty surge protector. Got nice phones. Wifi wireless phones. I just don’t understand why people would just leave so many valuables behind. And my theory is they just have so, so much stuff and there’s just limited stuff that they can take away with them and they’re just force to take the most valuable stuff.
You got dressers. Got some board games up on the closet. This is a full-size bed, I think. Not that big. Got a nice office chair, desk. Huh? Look at the wall art. I think it’s painted, yeah. It’s painted on the wall. Can you believe that? There’s wallpaper. You see the wallpaper we’ll have to take this out. You got a wall paint here. This is like kind of like the second master, if you will.
Two car garage. What’s the square footage of the house. It’s 1650. It’s a pretty big house. Nice little. Oh, do I have cigars? Nope. It’s a pretty good house, actually. I really like the layout of the house. I think this is going to sell. This is going to take us four weeks at the very least to get everything ready. And we’re going to get started on Monday. We close this house four days ago and I am here at this house. We’re going to make this house really, really nice. And we are going to sell this house in a month or two. And with the low inventory in the market place right now, I think this house is going to be on the contract in less than a week.
This is actually a very quiet neighborhood. Good part of SAC actually. Can you see lots of trees? You got some neighbors that are very responsive or responsible for their property. Pride of ownership. I got brand new fence, look, got a brand new fence from my neighbor, actually. I got a look at the fence. Other than the dry rot on the siding. I got brand new fence on this side of the house. Nice storage too. This is a good storage shed. I don’t know if you can see the fence on the other side too. Got a nice fence.
Obviously, I don’t have the fascia board, so I’ll put the fascia board throughout. Nice windows, dual paint windows. That is what I’m talking about. That this house has got potential. Just need to throw away a lot of junk, but this house is going to come out so pretty. And I think it’s going to go on the contract very, very quickly.
So this is Kevin from Insightful REI Buy Houses. Thank you so much for coming out and checking out this life. Really appreciate you. I just finished doing a walkthrough of this house that we just close on couple days ago. This is the first time that I’m at this house visiting and we’re going to start demoing this house on Monday. It’s going to be super, super exciting. I think this house is going to be looking so great, so pretty when it’s all said and done. Until next time, we’re looking for more projects. If you know anyone who is selling, please contact us at 916-507-2502. Or send us your property there sales@insightfulrei.com. You’d be good for a neighborhood when you fix it. Oh yeah, absolutely. Look at the houses around. They’re actually in good shape. This house is probably like the worst on the street.
I think the neighbor next door, he’s a contractor. So he does a nice job to his house and we’re going to make this house look so, so nice. And this neighbor, they really keep to themselves. They got a fence right in front of their house for privacy. And we just have an open kind of like a view to our house. We’re going to keep it this way. I’m not going to build any more fence. Just keep it open, and leave it to the next buyer of the house. Whether they want to do something to the front, they can. This is a big, big yard.
We got some rain lately. So you see the grass. That’s all grown kind of tall here. That is actually a very, very nice central heat and air. I think we just need to service it. Like I mentioned, this house has got good bones and there’s so much potential with this house. And I’m very excited about working on this project and check out all the surge protectors that I got. I need those. So I’m going to take those with me. All right, so this is Kevin from Insightful REI Buy Houses. I will see you next time. Peace out.
We are the premier house buyer here in town and this is the first time I am at this house that we just acquired a couple of days ago. I got the keys. So this is a walkthrough of our next house transformation project.
House Exterior
This is actually a two-car garage. That ramp is going to go. There are a lot of good features with this house. Kind of in the rural part of the town, north SAC. So here in SAC, north SAC is known for like big lots. This is a very, very spacious house sitting on a big, big lot. This house. It’s got like three bedrooms, two bathrooms. I’m going to show you the bad part about this house, which is the exterior siding. It’s all dry rotted. So we’ll have to change those. Boom. The dry rots have to go. We’re going to replace all the sidings with this kind. It’s cheaper. So more than three-quarters of the siding on the side of the house will have to be replaced.
House Interior
Windows look good. So, that’s okay. Dual pane windows all around so we will save those windows. We do have to replace the trims, the window trims. Let’s walk into the house here. Boom. There’s a lot, a lot of junk piles of junk. This is not like anything that we have not seen. We’ve done this multiple times. My 40-yard container is coming this Monday. So we’ll throw everything out. This is the living room. You got the separated decorative wall here. So we’re checking if that beam there is actually a structural beam, so we can knock this “O” out here. You got a nice hallway and I’ll just show you the kitchen here. Very spacious kitchen. We’ll just do an L kitchen.
Brand new kitchen cabinets. That stove, that range is going to go. We’re just going to do a range stove combo. We’re going to bring the wall cabinets up. 30-foot wall cabinets so that soffit will have to go. This is the dining room. I’ll just replace the ceiling fan light with the chandelier. Not sure if this decorative beam serves any function. So we will have to find out if this is a structural beam to determine whether we should keep it or just take it out.
So like I mentioned, this house is got three bedrooms, the first bedroom. There are actually two hot water heaters here. This is the first one. And I guess you can call this a cleaning room as well. This is kind of like a master. I would call it. It’s got an attached bathroom. Behind these closets, is actually the standing shower. So we’re going to enlarge the standing shower hereby like one foot. So it’s going to be a standard four-foot shower. You got wallpaper in the bathroom, so those will have to go. There are actually two different kinds of texture in the house, so we’re just going to match just to save some money here. There are two bedrooms here on this side of the house. Let’s just walk down to the end of the freeway hallway I mean.
This is the third bedroom and it’s got a Jack and Jill. So there’s a door that goes into the bathroom here. It’s a very nice looking bathroom and nice-looking tiles here too. And you got a good looking vanity, so we’re going to leave it there. That mirror or the medicine closet will have to go. We’ll just replace it with a flat mirror. You got nice dual pane windows, so we’ll save those. We’re going to replace the sink. We’re going to knock out this separating wall between the cabinet, the toilet and this standalone cabinet right here. So that’s going to go. And then right here is the laundry room. And take out that step where the washer is on. Remove wallpapers, remove all the wallpapers, and replace the ceiling light with a flush mount.
Ceiling fan light, this is going to go. As I mentioned, behind this door is a bedroom. So you can consider this as a second master if you will. And there’s also a separate door that leads to this bathroom. I guess people coming from the living room will use that bathroom as well as the room down this hallway, which does not have a bathroom. They will come to the other side and use that bathroom as well. So as you walk down this part of the house, you’ll see the second hot water heater. And this is a two-car garage.
So we bought it already. We took possession of the house a couple of days ago. Didn’t get a chance to come in and check until today. We did a walkthrough with my contractors and we got a punch-out list. And this house we’re going to start demolition on Monday.