Taking up the tasks of preparing and selling your house in Sacramento on your own may appear to be easier, more profitable, and appealing, but there are severe difficulties that could jeopardise the sale. Let’s look at four disadvantages of selling your home on your own in Sacramento to put things in perspective:
One of the most important things that will make or break any home sale in Sacramento is making sure it is priced appropriately for the current market.
Due to the inclusion of sentimental value, owners have a propensity to overestimate their home’s worth, and an agent can assist you separate that sentimentality from your sale situation. An realtor will evaluate other market elements and arrive at an acceptable pricing conclusion by looking at the final closing price of other similar properties in your neighbourhood over the last few years.
That’s not to say you have to accept their idea of a fair price, but their local market knowledge is invaluable in getting your home sale off to a spectacular start.
Trying to figure out your home’s initial asking price on your own could not only make a bad first impression on potential buyers, but also cast a pall over the entire transaction. A high initial asking price will turn buyers off and lead them to believe you have unreasonable expectations, but a low price indicates that there may be something wrong with your house or that it is in terrible disrepair.
In either case, you’re beginning a financial transaction on a shaky relationship because the buyers are coming from a place of unease and doubt.

Fewer Resources
Every realtor worth their salt has a network of professional contacts they’ve built up over the years, which might include everything from photographers to supply fantastic sets of photographs for your listing to contractors if you require emergency repairs.
If you’ve already moved out and think staging will help with open houses, chances are your agency has furniture on hand or knows a designer who can assist you.
When you hire an agent you’re bringing with them all of these professional contacts that you could utilize to give your property that extra boost that assists in getting the offers going.
Another substantial part of selling your house in Sacramento is pushing the marketing to get the word out.
When people start to show interest, you might find that your messaging needs to be changed to better suit that group, and an agent has a trained eye for these small nuances.
Agents in your area have a lot of experience determining which demographics are interested in specific neighbourhoods and which features of a home. Your realtor can then target these various characteristics in order to both spread the word and reach out to the people who are most likely to come out and look at your home.
Owners representing themselves are frequently left with the chore of distributing posts on social media in the hopes of finding the perfect buyer over a long enough period of time.
The Details
Finally, trying to sell your house in Sacramento on your own means dealing with a lot of paperwork and terminology that can be very confusing.
This wouldn’t be a big concern if it weren’t for the fact that neglecting to dot your I’s and cross your T’s on every piece of required paperwork could put you in hot water down the road. If you really must selling your house in Sacramentoon your own, we strongly advise you to retain the services of a local real estate attorney to ensure that both you and the buyer are protected.
No one wants to find themselves in court in a few months due to a recordkeeping snafu.
Help Selling Your Home in Sacramento
If you don’t want to try selling your house on your own in Sacramento but need a trusted partner, contact us today at (916) 507-2502!