Seems to have always been the American dream of owning your own home. But in fact, for the past few years, homeownership rates have been falling. And the outcome of this new phenomenon is that the rental competition is getting harder and harder and harder to find good rental homes. But if you start early enough and use a bit of creativity, it can still be done. So let’s see how after selling your Fair Oaks house you can find a great rental.
Start Early
Finding a great rental after selling your Fair Oaks house is the most important piece of the puzzle to launch your quest early. Once you sell your house, you can start looking for your ideal rental. Renters who are in a rush opt for rentals that they don’t want or can’t afford, very often. And you’ll certainly be in a rush if you sell your house first without having secured a rental to stay in. Experts recommend that you “start searching 60 days before you need to move, especially if you’re looking for a rental property where there’s not much available.” Careful, careful, smooth research and shopping will always lead to a better offer in the end.
Determine Desired Features
If you don’t know what you want, you can’t find what you want. So finding a great rental after selling your Fair Oaks is largely dependent on early identification of the features you want. For example, this includes essential features such as square footage and the number of beds and baths, but you also have to think of nice features to have.
Shop Early in the Month
Since good rentals are becoming scarcer or at least harder to find, looking at the best time is important to find a great rent after selling your Fair Oaks home. Usually, the best rentals are snatched up early in the month in terms of price, location and amenities. So do the bulk of your search at least before mid-month early in the month.
Therefore, every month’s second and third weekends are typically the busiest for rentals. So if you’re limited to weekends, focus your efforts on the month’s first weekend when there’s less competition and properties are still available.
Search Online First
About 90 percent of renters launch their online search, and you should do that as well. Since selling your house, it is a time and labor-efficient way to find a great rental. Standard online sites such as Craigslist and Zillow are always a good starting point. But don’t forget about social media’s power and reach. Post your application for a rental on Facebook, and you’re likely to get lots of answers.
But don’t just restrict your online search. The experts say “if you’re moving to a new area, looking online won’t tell you enough about communities and local amenities.” Your best bet is to meet with a local real estate agent here.
Agree to a 13-Month Lease
You have to find a way to stand out from and then beat the competition in a competitive marketplace, which is what you get for rentals today. This is what you can do to get the attention of a landlord: “Signing a 13- or 14-month lease offer. It is particularly useful if a typical 12-month lease will expire in November or December because in those months it is always difficult to have tent properties.”
Beware of Scams
Getting a great rent after selling your Fair Oaks house also means exercising some caution, particularly if you have been waiting too long to find anything. There are plenty of unscrupulous scammers out there who are willing to target naive or vulnerable individuals. Essentially, you should be careful not to give any private person your identity, bank information or credit card information. This is an environment where dealing with a real estate agent is always better and safer.
Get Professional Help
If after selling your Fair Oaks house you really want to find a great rental, then you should probably look for some professional help. But you need to find a real estate broker specializing in rental properties. Yes, your agent who helped in selling your home may be able to handle it or at least point you in the right direction.