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Guide On Selling Your Property In Fair Oaks With Attached Tax Liens

Property taxes can be overwhelming. We can help you sell your houses with tax liens in Fair Oaks so you can move on with your life! Learn more about how to do it in our latest post! 

If you are handling property tax problems, you might be worried about your ability to pay them back. The condition of not paying your taxes can result in losing your home if the problem is not taken care of.How To Sell Your Property With Tax Liens in Fair Oaks


Tax liens can be a significant hurdle when selling a property. They can complicate the process, affect the property’s value, and even deter potential buyers. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to navigate selling your property with attached tax liens.

Understanding Tax Liens

A tax lien is a legal claim by a government entity against a noncompliant taxpayer’s assets. When a taxpayer fails to pay their taxes, the government can place a lien on the taxpayer’s property, including their home. This lien ensures that the tax debt is paid before the property can be sold or refinanced. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and other government entities play a crucial role in enforcing tax liens.

Options for Selling a Property with a Tax Lien

There are several options available for homeowners looking to sell a property with a tax lien. Each option has its own set of considerations and potential challenges:

  1. Dispute the Tax Lien: If you believe the tax lien is incorrect, you can dispute it with the IRS or the relevant government entity. This process involves submitting a formal dispute, providing evidence to support your claim, and potentially going through a hearing or court process. It’s important to note that this can be a lengthy and complex process, and it may require the assistance of a tax professional or attorney.
  2. Request a Certificate of Discharge: A certificate of discharge removes the lien from the property, allowing it to be sold. To obtain a certificate of discharge, you must apply to the IRS and demonstrate that the government’s interest in the property is sufficiently protected. This could mean showing that the sale price of the property is greater than the amount of the lien, or that you have other assets that could be used to pay off the debt. It’s important to note that obtaining a certificate of discharge does not eliminate the tax debt; it merely removes the lien from the property.
  3. Satisfy the Delinquent Tax: Paying off the tax debt in full will remove the lien, allowing the property to be sold without any encumbrances. This can be a good option if you have the funds available, as it eliminates the debt and allows you to move forward with the sale without any complications. Fix a plan to save a set amount per month and use that to pay down the total of your Fair Oaks property taxes. The county is unlikely to issue a tax lien if you are making regular payments to your outstanding balance.
    Keep in mind, you will not only need to pay back the back taxes, but also the fees, penalties and interest that has piled up.However, if the tax debt is substantial, this may not be a feasible option.
  4. Negotiate with the Assessor: Some times you can work with the property agent to have your Fair Oaks property taxes lowered if you believe they have been assessed incorrectly. You won’t be able to negotiate the rate of which you are taxed, however, you can negotiate the assessed value of your Fair Oaks house. Check to make sure they have the specs of you house notated correctly. Don’t let them say you have 3 bathrooms when you really only have 2.5. The assessor will look at other house in your area and what they are selling for. Sometimes you need to dive deeper into the numbers. If you are going to challenge the value the assessor has placed on your home, make sure you have comparable houses to compare it to.
  5. Negotiate with the Buyer: In some cases, the buyer may be willing to pay off the lien at closing. This option requires transparency and negotiation skills. You would need to disclose the lien to potential buyers and negotiate a sale price that takes into account the amount of the lien. The buyer would then pay off the lien at closing, with the funds being deducted from the sale proceeds. This can be a viable option, but it may limit the pool of potential buyers, as not all buyers will be willing to take on this additional cost.

Each of these options has its own advantages and challenges, and the best option for you will depend on your specific circumstances. It’s important to consult with a tax professional or attorney to understand your options and make an informed decision.

The Impact of Tax Liens on Property Sales

Tax liens can significantly impact property sales. They can decrease the property’s value, as buyers may be less willing to take on a property with a tax lien. They can also complicate the negotiation process, as the lien must be addressed before the sale can be finalized. Furthermore, tax liens can delay the closing process, as additional steps are required to ensure the lien is properly handled.

Case Study: Selling a Property with a Tax Lien in California

In California, the process of selling a property with a tax lien is governed by specific laws and regulations. The California State Controller’s Office oversees the sale of tax-defaulted properties, which are properties that have not paid property taxes for over five years.

When a property is tax-defaulted, the county tax collector has the authority to sell that property in order to satisfy the outstanding tax debt. This is typically done through a public auction. The highest bidder at the auction becomes the new owner of the property, and the proceeds from the sale are used to pay off the tax debt.

However, before the property can be sold, the owner has the right to redeem the property by paying off the tax debt in full, along with any penalties and interest. If the owner redeems the property, the tax lien is removed and the property is no longer subject to sale.

If the property is not redeemed and is sold at auction, the buyer takes ownership of the property subject to any existing liens or encumbrances. This means that if there is a federal tax lien on the property, the buyer would be responsible for paying off that lien.

In some cases, a property may be withdrawn from sale. This can happen for various reasons, such as if the owner files for bankruptcy, if the property is determined to be unsuitable for sale, or if the owner pays off the tax debt before the sale.

The process of selling a tax-defaulted property in California can be complex and requires careful navigation. It’s important for property owners to understand their rights and responsibilities, and to seek professional advice if needed. For more detailed information, the California State Controller provides a comprehensive guide on the sale of tax-defaulted properties.


  1. How do I subordinate an IRS tax lien?
    To subordinate an IRS tax lien, you need to apply for a Certificate of Subordination from the IRS. This doesn’t remove the lien, but it allows other creditors to move ahead of the IRS, which can make it easier to get a loan or mortgage.
  2. How do I know if the IRS put a lien on my house?
    If the IRS has put a lien on your house, you should receive a Notice of Federal Tax Lien which provides detailed information about the lien. You can also contact your local county’s office to check for any liens on your property.
  3. Can you sell a house with a lien or judgment on it?
    Yes, you can sell a house with a lien or judgment on it. However, the lien or judgment must be paid off at or before closing. If the proceeds from the sale of the house are not enough to cover the lien or judgment, you would need to make up the difference.
  4. Can you sell a home with a lien on it?
    Yes, a home can be sold with a lien on it. However, the lien needs to be paid off during the closing process. The money to pay off the lien usually comes out of the sales proceeds.
  5. What happens if you pay someone’s property taxes? Do you own the property?
    Paying someone else’s property taxes does not automatically give you ownership of the property. However, in some jurisdictions, if the taxes remain unpaid for a certain period, the person who paid the taxes may have a claim to the property.
  6. Can you sell a house with unpaid property taxes?
    Yes, you can sell a house with unpaid property taxes, but the unpaid taxes will need to be paid off at closing. The buyer may also negotiate for the seller to pay these taxes as part of the sales agreement.
  7. What happens to IRS tax lien on inherited property?
    If you inherit a property with an IRS tax lien, the lien remains on the property. The inherited property can be sold, but the tax lien must be paid off as part of the sale.
  8. Can I sell my house with a state tax lien?
    Yes, you can sell your house with a state tax lien. However, the lien will need to be paid off at the time of sale. The proceeds from the sale of the house will typically be used to pay off the lien.
  9. Who pays delinquent property taxes at closing?
    Delinquent property taxes are usually paid by the seller at closing. The amount is deducted from the seller’s proceeds from the sale.
  10. Can investors purchase property tax liens?
    Yes, in many jurisdictions, investors can purchase property tax liens. The investor then has the right to collect the tax debt, plus interest, from the property owner. If the owner fails to pay, the investor may have the right to foreclose on the property.

Find Someone To Help

A Loan

While it might not make sense to replace one debt with another, getting a tax loan from a private lender can provide temporary assistance should you be on the verge of having your tax lien auctioned. Before you consider to the loan, make sure first you read the fine print and understand the repayment terms. The interest can be high and there can be severe due for nonpayment. Before you find yourself in this condition, search all of the options available to you.

A Buyer

There are buyers and investors out there who are ready to help you right now!  There may be investors who find out if there is a lien on your property, conduct further due diligence, and might buy the lien and work with you.  InsightfulREI Buy Houses Sacramento is a professional Fair Oaks home buyer who will help you with tax liens or anything else that is keeping you from selling Fair Oaks house to the traditional way. You don’t have to pay more money into the house or toward your tax bill. We will handle everything so you can sell the house and walk away from your property tax troubles once and for all. Keep in mind, not all buyers are the same. When you work with InsightfulREI Buy Houses Sacramento, you can rest assured you will receive a fair price and honest treatment every step of the way. Selling your Fair Oaks house to a direct buyer is one of the best ways to stop the frustrations that arise from tax liens!


Selling a property with attached tax liens can be a complex process, but it’s not impossible. By understanding your options and seeking professional advice, you can successfully navigate this process. Remember, transparency and communication are key when dealing with tax liens during a property sale. For more information on federal tax liens, visit the IRS website. For insights on how tax liens affect property sales, check out this Forbes article.

Remember, while tax liens can be a hurdle, they don’t have to be a roadblock. With the right approach and resources, you can successfully sell your property and move forward.

Are you ready to sell a Fair Oaks house? We can help! Send us a message or give us a call today! (916) 507-2502

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